深度放松声音疗愈(中文版):重拾宁静 释放压力 找回自己(孟飞Phoenix)

孟叔尝试下这期付费声音疗愈节目,是否可以带来不同的感觉 英语美文朗读的节目自2015年起依然可以持续免费收听,大家随心选择收听就好 Hi,this 孟飞Phoenix,Today, let's do a meditation for healing together, to relax our mind and body. 首先,找一个安静、舒适的地方坐下来,让身体放松。闭上眼睛,感受你的呼吸,让呼吸变得缓慢而深沉。 First, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit, and allow your body to relax. Close your eyes and feel your breath, making it slow and deep. 现在,想象你自己在一个静谧的海滩上。阳光温暖,微风轻轻拂过你的脸颊,海水里的浪花缓缓地拍打着沙滩。你感受到了这一切,每一寸肌肤都充满了温暖和轻柔。 Now, imagine yourself standing on a peaceful beach. The sun is warm, and a gentle breeze brushes your cheeks. The seawater slowly laps against the shore. You feel everything, and every inch of your skin is filled with warmth and gentleness. 现在,你开始慢慢地将意识带回到身体,关注自己的呼吸。随着每次呼吸,想象自己呼吸到了大自然的气息,并让呼吸扩散到身体里面。当你呼气时,想象自己将身体里的不好的气息和负面情绪呼出体外,与自然融为一体。 Now, slowly bring your awareness back to your body and focus on your breath. With each breath, imagine yourself inhaling[ɪnˈheɪlɪŋ] natural air, taking it into your body. When you exhale, imagine exhaling the bad air and negative emotions, letting them merge with nature. 你的呼吸变得更加深沉、更加缓慢,感受自己每一次呼吸都在带来力量和平静。你的身体和心灵都开始放松下来,全身都感觉到一股舒适和平和。 Your breath becomes deeper and slower, and you feel every breath bringing strength and calmness. Your body and mind begin to relax, and you feel comfortable and peaceful all over. 现在,想象自己站在一个有着美丽、宁静的花园里。花香扑鼻,鸟儿在唱歌,水波在流动。你感受到了这一切,每一寸肌肤都充满了生命的活力和轻柔的温暖。 Now, imagine yourself standing in a beautiful and peaceful garden. The fragrance of flowers fills the air, birds are singing, and the water is flowing. You feel everything, and every inch of your skin is filled with the vitality of life and gentle warmth. 想象自己在这个美妙的地方里面,任由自己的心灵和身体放松下来。你可以感受到周围的自然环境,让它们进入你的身体,让自己成为大自然的一部分。 Imagine yourself relaxing your mind and body in this wonderful place. You can feel the surrounding natural environment and let it enter your body, making you a part of nature. 现在,你开始意识到你的身体和心灵变得越来越轻松,越来越自由。你已经与自然和谐共处,享受着无限的和平和力量。 Now, you realize that your body and mind are becoming more and more relaxed and free. You are in harmony with nature, enjoying unlimited peace and strength. 在这个美好的体验中,你可以任由自己沉浸在宁静和舒适之中,让自己获得深刻的放松和愉悦。当你准备结束这个练习时,感受自己的身体和心灵,感谢这个美好的时刻,然后缓缓地打开眼睛,保持平静和放松的状态。让这种感觉在你的内心深处继续流动,让它一直伴随着你。 In this wonderful experience, you can immerse yourself in peace and comfort, experiencing deep relaxation and pleasure. When you are ready to end this practice, feel your body and mind, thank this beautiful moment, and slowly open your eyes, maintaining a calm and relaxed state. Let this feeling continue to flow deep within you, accompanying you always. 现在,你可以慢慢地开始回到现实世界。先深呼吸几次,让自己逐渐适应现实的环境。缓缓地摇晃一下身体,然后慢慢地睁开眼睛。 Now, you can slowly begin to return to the real world. Take a few deep breaths, gradually adjusting to the environment. Gently shake your body, and then slowly open your eyes. 感谢自己的身体和心灵,感谢自然界的美好,感谢这个练习带给你的放松和愉悦。希望这个练习可以帮助你更好地放松和平静自己,让你的生活更加美好和充实。 Thank your body and mind, thank the beauty of nature, and thank this practice for bringing you relaxation and pleasure. I hope this practice can help you better relax and calm yourself, making your life more beautiful and fulfilling. 原创节目,未经允许请勿搬运

