V 2023.09.21(Karri_L)

A local activist in Niger, Insa Garba Saidou, who works with the military regime that now controls the country, says the only way to avoid conflict in the country between mutinous soldiers that ousted the president and regional nations who are threatening invasion to reinstate him is to recognize the new regime as the ones in power. 尼日尔当地活动人士Insa Garba Saidou与目前控制该国的军事政权合作,他说,想要避免推翻总统的叛变士兵们和威胁要让总统复职的地区国家之间发生冲突,唯一的办法就是承认新政权是掌权者。 Saidou, who assists the coup leaders with the communications, says there will be no dialogue with regional countries until they acknowledge the new head of state. 协助政变领导人沟通的赛杜说,在地区国家承认新的国家元首之前,他们不会与这些国家进行对话。 The West African regional bloc, ECOWAS, has threatened to use military force if President Mohamed Bazoum, who took office two years ago, is not released and reinstated. 西非国家经济共同体威胁说,如果两年前上任的巴祖姆总统不被释放并复职,他们将使用武力。 However, the junta has dismissed its warnings. 然而,军政府对其警告不予理会。 A spokesman for the UN secretary-general Friday called on the junta to release President Bazoum. 联合国秘书长发言人在星期五呼吁缅甸军政府释放巴祖姆总统。 VOA UN correspondent Margaret Besheer reports with this review of the situation in Azure. 驻联合国记者玛格丽特·贝希尔在安祖尔对相关情况进行了回顾。 The West African regional group, ECOWAS, said Thursday it had activated its standby military force after a deadline had passed for Nigeria's military coup leaders to reverse their actions and reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum. 西非地区组织——西非经共体周四说,在尼日利亚军事政变领导人改变行动并且在恢复总统巴祖姆职务的最后期限过去之后,西非经共体已经启动了待命部队。

