Back at one(ZzzX7zzZ)

It’s undeniable that we should be together 不可否认,我们将会厮守在一起。 It’s unbelievable how I used to say that i'd fall never 难以置信,我一直以为我不会再坠入爱河。 The basis is need to know if you don’t know just how I feel 你需要知道,如果你不了解此刻我的感受, Then let me show you now that I’m for real 那么就让我来告诉你,我对你是认真的。 If all things in time ,time will reveal 如果一切迟早要到来,时间就是最好的证明。 One, you are like a dream come true 一,你就像美梦成真。 Two, just wanna be with you 二,就想和你厮守。 Three, girl it's plain to see that you’re the only one for me 三,很明显,女孩,你就是我的唯一。 and Four, repeat steps one through three 四,这三种感受越来越明显。 Five,make you fall in love with me 五, 要你与我共坠爱河。 If ever I believe my work is done 如果一旦我知道我所做的一切都能做到 Then I’ll start back at one 我将继续从第一条开始做起。 So incredible the way things work themselves out 真是令人难以置信,一切都迎刃而解。 And all emotional once you know what it’s all about 让人感动,一但你了解所有这一切 。 And undesirable for us to be apart 我们不应该分开, Never would have made it very far 我永远不会远离你。 Cause you know you got the keys to my heart 因为你知道吗,你找到了开启我心门的钥匙。 Cause one, You are like a dream come true 因为一,你就像美梦成真 Two, just wanna be with you 二,就想和你厮守。 Three, girl it's plain to see that you’re the only one for me 三,很明显,女孩,你就是我的唯一。 and Four, repeat steps one through three 四,这三种感受越来越明显。 Five,make you fall in love with me 五, 要你与我共坠爱河. If ever I believe my work is done 如果一旦我知道我所做的一切都能做到, Then I’ll start back at one 我将继续从第一条开始做起。 Say farewell to the dark night 对这漫漫长夜说声再见, or see the coming of the sun 我看见了初升的太阳。 I feel like a little child, who’s life has just begun 我觉得我像个小孩子,生命才刚刚开始。 You came and breathed new life into this lonely heart of mine 你来到了我的身边,为我孤独的心灵注入了生气 You threw out the lifeline just in the nick of time 你来得正是时候,向我抛出了救生索。

