E 2021.01.14(Karri_L)

The death of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of police in Minneapolis sparked the worst unrest across America for decades. Floyd’s cry that he couldn’t breathe to the officer kneeling on his neck reverberated around the world. The incident led to a surge in global support for Black Lives Matter and a reckoning with the legacy of slavery and colonialism. Toppling statues of white men was de rigueur for woke activists in many cities. America endured a summer of protest; notable flashpoints included Kenosha and Portland. 在明尼阿波利斯,黑人乔治·弗洛伊德死于警察之手,这引发了美国几十年来最严重的骚乱。弗洛伊德对跪压他脖子上的警察求饶,他窒息般的呼救声传遍了全球。这一事件导致全球支持“黑人的命也是命”的呼声高涨,人们开始反思奴隶制和殖民主义的遗留问题。在许多城市,推翻白人男性雕像是觉醒的活动人士的一贯做法。美国的抗议活动持续了一整个夏天;著名的抗议地点包括基诺沙市和波特兰市。 Britain officially left the European Union on January 31st, entering a transition period that ends on December 31st. Talks about a trade deal dragged on. Whatever the outcome, Britons were told to expect delays when visiting the continent from now on. 英国于1月31日正式脱离欧盟,进入12月31日结束的过渡期。关于贸易协定的谈判被推迟。无论结果如何,英国人都将被告知,即日起访问欧洲大陆的行程将会推迟。 Venezuelan troops intercepted two small boatloads of men who wanted to overthrow the country’s dictator, Nicolás Maduro. “Operation Gideon” was led by two former members of America’s special forces. 委内瑞拉军队拦截了两船人员,他们想要推翻该国独裁者尼古拉斯·马杜罗。“吉迪恩行动”由两名前美国特种部队成员领导。

