
Are there any general guides to "decode" it? 有什么方法能让人大概理解火星文吗? 有懂行的网友Philip回帖解释了火星文的“语法”,表示很少有非母语者能看懂火星文。 There is no proper or certain method to decipher them, but only need a good sense of the language. If you are familiar enough with the whole language and the characters, the hidden information just jumps into your eyes. 理解火星文其实没有一成之规,你得对中文非常熟练才行。如果你中文很流利或者对汉字有很好的掌握,其实潜藏在火星文背后的意思就自然而然能浮现出来。 However, there are some rough rules. 不过呢,大致还是有这么几条规则

