E 2021.01.19(Karri_L)

United States 美国版块 Georgia’s run-off elections 佐治亚州决选 So sweet and clear 畅快且清晰 Two stunning victories for Democrats in Georgia upend the Senate 民主党在佐治亚州取得的两次惊人的胜利颠覆了参议院 Four years ago, any pundit predicting that the solidly Republican state of Georgia would send two Democratic senators to Washington in 2020 would have been dismissed as a crank. Yet that was the outcome of two extraordinary run-off elections held on January 5th, which may set a new model for winning Democratic campaigns in the usually inhospitable South. The contests were also the costliest Senate races ever—more than $500m was spent on a deluge of advertising alone—because they will determine control of the Senate for the next two years. 在四年前,要是有任何权威预言预测坚定倾向共和党的佐治亚州会在2020年将两名民主党参议员推送到华盛顿,那人们将不予理会,还会觉得这样的预言十分古怪。而1月5日举行的两次非同寻常的决选结果却正是如此,这可能为民主党在通常不讨好的美国南部赢得竞选树立了一个新的模式。这两次竞选也是有史以来最昂贵的参议院竞选,仅广告费就高达5亿美元,因为这两次竞选将决定未来两年参议院的控制权。 Raphael Warnock, the first African- American ever to be elected to the Senate from the South, defeated Kelly Loeffler, the Republican incumbent. The other Democrat, Jon Ossoff, defeated Senator David Perdue, meaning the Senate will be tied at 50-50, giving the vice-president-elect, Kamala Harris, the casting vote in the upper chamber. 拉斐尔·沃诺克是有史以来首位担任南方参议员的非裔美国人,他击败了现任共和党参议员凯利·洛弗勒。另一位获胜的民主党人是乔恩·奥索夫,他击败了参议员大卫·珀杜,这意味着参议院的两党席位将是50比50,从而使当选副总统卡马拉·哈里斯获得参议院决定性的一票。

