E 2021.01.15(Karri_L)

High-tech finance 高科技金融 Quantum for quants 量化交易量子化 Wall Street's latest shiny new thing: quantum computing 华尔街新宠:量子计算 The finance industry has had a long and profitable relationship with computing. It was an early adopter of everything from mainframe computers to artificial intelligence. For most of the past decade more trades have been done at high frequency by complex algorithms than by humans. Now big banks have their eyes on quantum computing, another cutting-edge technology. 金融业和计算技术长期保持着有利可图的关系。在采用从大型主机到人工智能等各种技术时,这个行业都是领头羊。在过去十年的大部分时间里,由复杂算法驱动的高频交易的交易量已经超过了人工交易。现在,大银行又盯上了另一项尖端技术——量子计算。 This is the idea, developed by physicists in the 1980s, that the counter-intuitive properties of quantum mechanics might allow for the construction of computers that could perform mathematical feats that no non-quantum machine would ever be capable of. The promise is now starting to be realised. Computing giants like Google and IBM, as well as a flock of smaller competitors, are building and refining quantum hardware. 上世纪80年代物理学家提出,借助量子力学种种与直觉相悖的特性或许可以发明出量子计算机,实现非量子计算机永远无法企及的运算壮举。这一愿景现已开始逐渐演变为现实。谷歌和IBM等计算巨头以及一大批较小的竞争对手都在打造和完善量子硬件。

