N 2021.01.16(Karri_L)

President Trump has been impeached for a second time. This time, the charge is inciting an insurrection. Yesterday started with hours of debate on the floor of the House of Representatives. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened the session, saying months of doubt sown over the election by Trump culminated in last week's riot. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) NANCY PELOSI: And then came that day a fire we all experienced. The president must be impeached, and I believe the president must be convicted by the Senate, a constitutional remedy that will ensure that the republic will be safe from this man who was so resolutely determined to tear down the things that we hold dear and that hold us together. MOSLEY: But Republicans, for the most part, stood by the president. Here's Representative Jason Smith. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) JASON SMITH: The people are hurting. Our colleagues are hurting. This is a reckless impeachment. This will only bring up the hate and fire more than ever before. MOSLEY: Ten Republicans broke with their party to support impeachment, including Representative Dan Newhouse. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) DAN NEWHOUSE: Last week, there was a domestic threat at the door of the Capitol, and he did nothing to stop it. 特朗普总统第二次被弹劾。这一次的指控是煽动暴动。昨天,众议院开始了长达数小时的辩论。众议院议长南希·佩洛西在会议开始时表示,数月来特朗普一直在选举上撒下疑虑,这最终导致了上周爆发的骚乱。 (录音档案) 南希·佩洛西:那天我们都经历了一场灾难。总统必须被弹劾,我认为总统必须被参议院定罪,这是一项宪法补救措施,将确保共和国不会受到这个人的伤害,因为他是如此坚定地决心摧毁我们珍视且将我们团结在一起的东西。 莫斯利:但大多数共和党人支持总统。以下是众议员杰森·史密斯所说。 (录音档案) 杰森·史密斯:人们在受到伤害。我们的同事受到了伤害。这是鲁莽的弹劾。这只会带来比以往任何时候都更多的仇恨和愤怒。 莫斯利:10名共和党人与他们的政党决裂,支持弹劾,这包括众议员丹·纽豪斯。 (录音档案) 丹·纽豪斯:上周,国会大厦门口发生了一起国内威胁事件,总统没有采取任何措施加以阻止。

