V 2021.01.20(Karri_L)

gandan opposition leader Bobi Wine's party said Sunday that it would challenge his loss in the recent presidential election. Wine's National Unity Party said they have evidence of ballot stuffing and other forms of election malpractice. Uganda's election commission declared President (yare w) Yoweri Museveni the winner of the 2021 general elections Saturday. Museveni, (was) 76, has ruled Uganda continuously since 1986. He has dismissed claims of voting fraud in the recent election against Wine, who is a singer-turned lawmaker. Sunday's announcement from the opposition party came as two people were confirmed dead in protests since the election result, according to Reuters. Both the U.S. and Britain expressed concern over the validity of Uganda's election results. Both nations noted the Internet blackout throughout Uganda (since the election) since before the election day. State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus tweeted Saturday, quote, "We urge authorities to address such irregularities and restore communications." On Sunday, Jake Sullivan, President-elect Joe Biden's incoming national security adviser, tweeted, quote, "The news from Uganda is deeply concerning." 乌干达反对党领袖博比·韦恩所在的政党星期天称,他们将挑战韦恩在最近的总统选举中的败选结果。韦恩所在的民族团结党表示,他们有证据表明此次大选存在填塞选票和其他形式的选举舞弊行为。乌干达选举委员会星期六宣布总统约韦里·穆塞韦尼为2021年大选的获胜者。76岁的穆塞韦尼自1986年以来一直统治乌干达。他驳斥了自己在最近与韦恩竞选总统的选举中存在舞弊的指控,韦恩是一名歌手出身的议员。据路透社报道,反对党星期天宣布这一消息之际,经证实,有两人在选举结果公布之后的抗议活动中死亡。美国和英国都对乌干达选举结果的合法性表示担忧。这两个国家都注意到乌干达全国的互联网在选举日之前就受到了封锁。美国国务院发言人摩根·奥尔塔格斯周六在推特上说,“我们敦促乌干达当局解决此类违规行为,恢复通讯。”周日,当选总统乔·拜登麾下即将上任的国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文在推特上写道,“来自乌干达的消息令人深感担忧。”

