V 2021.01.21(Karri_L)

Next, an editorial reflecting American ideals and institutions. On January 20th, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States of America. Once inaugurated, he will be, at 78 years and 61 days old, the oldest President to date. His Vice President, the former Senator Kamala Harris, will be the first woman to hold the office, as well as the first person of African American and of South Asian descent. Indeed, the inauguration of the 46th President will be unusual in many respects. As tradition dictates, President-elect Biden and Vice-President elect Harris will take their Oaths of Office on the west side of the U.S. Capitol building overlooking the expansive grassy grounds of the National Mall. As has been the case since 1981, seating for guests of honor and members of Congress will be set up on the steps and terrace there. But whereas in the past 200,000 or more tickets to the ceremony were allotted to Senators and members of the House of Representatives to distribute among their constituents, due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year each lawmaker will only receive one extra ticket. 以下是一篇反映美国理想和制度的社论。1月20日,约瑟夫·罗比内特·拜登将宣誓就任美国第46任总统。一旦就职,现年78岁零61天的拜登将成为迄今为止年龄最大的总统。前联邦参议员卡玛拉·哈里斯将担任拜登的副总统。她将是首位女性副总统,也是首位同时具有非洲裔和南亚血统的副总统。事实上,第46任总统的就职典礼在许多方面都是不同寻常的。按照传统,当选总统拜登和当选副总统哈里斯将在俯瞰国家广场宽阔草坪的美国国会大厦西侧宣誓就职。自1981年以来,参加就职典礼的贵宾和国会议员的座位都设在台阶和露台上。以往就职典礼的20多万张入场券都是分给参众两院的议员,再由他们分派给他们的选民。但由于新冠疫情,今年每位议员只会获得一张额外的入场券。

