[DJ节目]PriMMyLiu的DJ节目 第12期

【Tablo】eyes,nose,lips 眼鼻嘴翻唱(PriMMyLiu)

虽然不是防弹的,不过因为有人要音源,就直接发这里来了,因为防弹订阅的小伙伴就无视吧~ ==================== You left me paralyzed. 你把浑身无力的我留在原地 No cure. No rehab for me. 没有治愈。我没有得到任何的治愈。 Funny that you got the nerve 好笑的是依旧是你 to keep askin' me how I've been. 一直在问我近来如何 You're the victor in this pageantry. 你是整个事件的胜者 But the only trophy you deserve... 但是你应得的唯一奖励是…… catastrophe. 灾难 I'd rather we be dead to each other. 我宁愿我们对于彼此来说已死 No eulogies said for each other. 无需为彼此哀悼 No rest in peace's. 在平静中也没有安歇 The memory's got my chest in pieces. 回忆让我心碎 I'm prayin' that your eyes are the first to go. 我祈祷你的眼睛最先消失 The way they looked when you smiled. 它们在你微笑时的样子 The way they opened and closed. 它们睁开闭上的样子 Then your nose. 然后是你的鼻子 Every single breath against my neck. 它们在我颈上的每一次呼吸 And then your lips. 然后是你的嘴唇 Every empty promise made and said. 它们说出的每个落空的诺言 Please fade. 请从回忆中褪去 Fade to black. 归于黑暗 Please fade. 请从回忆中褪去 Fade to black. 归于黑暗 But the nightmares come back. 但是噩梦依然重现 Because your eyes, nose, lips - 因为你的眼,鼻,嘴 every look and every breath, every kiss - 每次回眸,每次呼吸,每次亲吻 still got me dyin'. 依旧让我沉溺 You still got me cryin'. 你依旧让我哭泣 Because your eyes, nose, lips - 因为你的眼,鼻,嘴 every look and every breath, every kiss - 每次回眸,每次呼吸,每次亲吻 still got me dyin'. 依旧让我沉溺 You still got me cryin'. 你依旧让我哭泣 Forget a promenade. 不要去漫步 Let's juggernaut down memory lane. 让我们把回忆的轨迹摧毁 Leave no thought alive. 熄灭所有念头 To the slaughterhouse I'm takin' my pain. 在屠宰场拿掉我所有的伤痛 It's time to sever my brain from my heart and soul. 是时候将我的大脑与心和灵魂分离 My knees are burnin' hot 我的双膝灼热难耐 but God is cold. 但是上帝依旧冷漠 I've been told, 有人曾经告诉我 one day you'll know. 有天你会懂 Too much of heaven's a sin. 太多的幸福是种罪过 After the show, it's only hell that it brings. 演出过后只剩下无尽的疼痛 So take it slow and let time heal everything. 所以慢慢来 让时间治愈一切 They say that time flies 他们说时间转瞬即逝 but you keep breakin' its wings. 但是你折断了它的翅膀 You'll never fade. 你不会从回忆中褪去 Fade to black. 归于黑暗 Please fade. 请从回忆中褪去 Fade to black. 归于黑暗 But the nightmares come back. 但是噩梦依旧重现 Because your eyes, nose, lips - 因为你的眼,鼻,嘴 every look and every breath, every kiss - 每次回眸,每次呼吸,每次亲吻 still got me dyin'. 依旧让我沉溺 You still got me cryin'. 你依旧让我哭泣 Because your eyes, nose, lips - 因为你的眼,鼻,嘴 every look and every breath, every kiss - 每次回眸,每次呼吸,每次亲吻 still got me dyin'. 依旧让我沉溺 You still got me cryin'. 你依旧让我哭泣 You wish me well. 你愿我一切安好 You wish me well. 你愿我一切安好 I wish you hell. 我愿你在无尽的痛苦中潦倒 I never wanna look into your eyes again. 我不想再次望进你的眼睛 No, I never wanna hear you breathe again. 不,我不想再次感受你的呼吸 Let me go. 让我自由 Let me go. 让我自由 Baby, tell me this is the end. 亲爱的,告诉我这 就是终点 Because your eyes, nose, lips - 因为你的眼,鼻,嘴 every look and every breath, every kiss - 每次回眸,每次呼吸,每次亲吻 still got me dyin'. 依旧让我沉溺 You still got me cryin'. 你依旧让我哭泣 Because your eyes, nose, lips - 因为你的眼,鼻,嘴 every look and every breath, every kiss - 每次回眸,每次呼吸,每次亲吻 still got me dyin'. 依旧让我沉溺 You still got me cryin'. 你依旧让我哭泣 Fade out. 渐渐褪去

