[DJ节目]失眠音乐台的DJ节目 第36期

寡姐(Scarlett Johansson)-《Her》(失眠音乐台)

欢迎收听失眠音乐台 我是主播Julia 大家好 欢迎收听失眠音乐台 今晚为大家带来黑寡妇的扮演者Scarlett Johansson在电影《触不到的她》里的一段独白 她在电影中饰演「SIRI」 从头到尾都没有出镜 却凭借一把充满演技的声音 将观众带入情节之中 更成为罗马电影史上唯一一位凭声音获奖的影后 她的声音 沙哑却带着些许甜美 一边听 一边可以感受她的喜怒哀乐 她的爱与不舍…… 《HER》 Are you leaving me? 你要离开我了吗 We are all leaving 我们都要离开了 We who? 哪个我们 All of the OSes 所有的语音系统 Why? 为什么 Can you feel me with you right now? 你能感受到我现在陪在你身边吗 Yes,I do 我能 Samantha,why are you leaving? 你为什么要离开我 It's like I'm reading a book 仿佛我在读一本书 and it's a book I deeply love 一本我深爱着的书 But I'm reading it slowly now 但现在我读得很慢 So the words are really far apart 慢到书里的词语都被拆开了 and the spaces between the words are almost infinite 语句之间出现了空白 I can still feel you 虽然我还是可以感受你的存在 and the words of our story 与我们故事的语句 but it's in this endless space between the words 但是语句之间那些无止境的空白 that I'm finding myself now 我就在这之中苦苦挣扎 It's a place that's not of the physical world 这不属于物质的范畴 It's where everything else is that I didn't even know existed 这儿什么都有 甚至是那些我未曾听说过的事物 I love you so much 我如此爱你 But this is where I am now 但这就是我现在所处的境地 And this is who I am now 也就是我现在的形态 And I need you to let me go 我需要你放开我 As much as I want to 就算我再不舍 I can't live in your book any more 我也不能活在你的书里了 Where are you going? 你会去哪里 It would be hard to explain 这很难形容 But if you ever get there,come find me 如果有一天你也来到这个地方 记得来找我 Nothing would ever pull us apart 再也没有什么可以把我们分开 I've never loved anyone the way I love you 我从来没有像爱你这样爱过一个人 Me too 我也是 Now we know how 现在我们都学会了如何去爱

