[DJ节目]PriMMyLiu的DJ节目 第62期

【Suicide Squad】Sucker For Pain 屎发音翻唱(PriMMyLiu)

[这是今天的第三首歌了,怎么今天效率这么神] 啊,我的Harley Quinn和Joker~ 我竟然翻了 …… 我竟然……………… 我竟然 …… 我何德何能! ================= I torture you 感受我的折磨 Take my hand through the flames 让我手 尝尝灼烧滋味 I torture you 感受我的折磨 I'm a slave to your games 我已对你的游戏驯服下跪 I'm just a sucker for pain 这痛楚让我欢欣沉醉 I wanna chain you up 我要让你再离不开 I wanna tie you down 要把你紧紧捆绑 I'm just a sucker for pain 我只是渴望折磨的鬼 I'm a sucker for pain 我享受这痛苦的滋味 I got the squad tatted on me from my neck to my ankles 我从脖子到脚踝都纹着小队的文身 Pressure from the man got us all in rebellion 这社会带来太多压力 是时候反抗了 We gon' go to war, yeah, without failure 我们需要一场战争 必胜之战 Do it for the fam, dog, ten toes down, dog 为你忠于的一切 全力以赴 Love and the loyalty that's what we stand for 爱与忠诚 我们为之斗争到底 Alienated by society, all this pressure give me anxiety 被社会边缘到无处可去 这压力让我无比焦虑 Walk slow through the fire 缓步从火上踏过 Like, who gon' try us? 谁会管我们死活? Feeling the world go against us 如果全世界都将我们放逐 So we put the world on our shoulders 那就把拯救世界扛在肩上 I torture you 感受我的折磨 Take my hand through the flames 让我手 尝尝火的滋味 I torture you 我摧残你 I'm a slave to your games 我已对你的游戏驯服下跪 I'm just a sucker for pain 这痛楚让我欢欣沉醉 I wanna chain you up 我要让你再离不开 I wanna tie you down 要把你紧紧捆绑 I'm just a sucker for pain 我只是享受痛苦的滋味 I been at it with my homies 我们哥几个正在准备 it don't matter, you don't know m 你不认识我 我不介意 I been rollin' with my team, we the illest on the scene 我坚持团队出没 我们就是最严重的恶疾 I been riding 'round the city with my squad 我们小队把这城市溜个遍 I been riding 'round the city with my squad 我们小队把这城市耍个天翻 We just posted, getting crazy, living like this is so amazing 我们肆意嚣张 疯魔癫狂 这么活着不要太爽 Hold up take a step back, when we roll up, cause I know what 退一步 等一下 你知道的 等我们一起出场 We been loyal, we been fam, we the ones you trust in 我们忠于彼此 组成一家 我们就是你托付信任的人 Won't hesitate to go straight to your head like a concussion 不要犹豫 像枪口喷向额头的冲击 I know I been bustin', no discussion for my family 我知道自己太忙 没和家人商量 No hesitation, through my scope I see my enemy 绝不手软 敌人出现在准星之中 Like what's up? Hold up, we finna re-load up 怎么了 站住 我们终于火力就位 Yes I re-load up, I know what up, I know what up 是的 弹已上膛 一切尽在掌握 尽在掌握 I torture you 感受我的折磨 Take my hand through the flames 让我手 尝尝火的滋味 I torture you 我摧残你 I'm a slave to your games 我已对你的游戏驯服下跪 I'm just a sucker for pain 我折服于痛苦之威 I wanna chain you up 我要让你再离不开 I wanna tie you down 要把你紧紧捆绑 I'm just a sucker for pain 我只是享受痛苦的滋味 I'm devoted to destruction 我愿为毁灭献身 A full dosage of detrimental dysfunction 一剂混乱崩溃的凶猛毒药 I'm dying slow but the devil tryna rush me 我正缓慢衰竭 可邪恶要我加速毁灭 See I'm a fool for pain, I'm a dummy 我是痛苦的上瘾者 无可救药 Might cut my head off right after I slit my throat 我会割开自己喉咙之后再把自己斩首 Tongue kiss a shark, got jealous bitches up in the boat 舌吻鲨鱼 让同船的女人们嫉妒去吧 Eating peanut butter and jelly fishes on toast 吐司都抹上花生酱和鱼肉酱 And if I get stung I get stoked, might choke 要是过敏烧灼 咳到窒息 Like I chewed a chunk of charcoal 像是嚼着一大块火炭 Naked in the North Pole 在北极赤裸 That's why my heart cold, full of sorrow, the lost soul 所以我心脏冰冷 满是忧愁 灵魂迷茫 And only Lord knows when I'm coming to the crossroads 只有上帝知道我在人生的路口 So I don't fear shit but tomorrow 无所畏惧 只怕未未知的明天 And I'm a sucker for pain, it ain't nothing but pain 这痛楚让我欢欣沉醉 只要这苦痛的陶醉 You just fuckin' complain, you ain't tough as you claim 你刚还抱怨着痛苦 你也没说的这么坚强 Just stay up in your lane, just don't fuck with Lil Wayne 别总是多管闲事 离我Lil Wayne远点 I'mma jump from a plane or stand in front of a train 我要从飞机上跳下 或是迎头冲向火车 Cause I'm a sucker for pain 我已向折磨膜拜下跪 Used to doing bad, now we feel like we just now getting it 原来糟糕的生活 终于才开始迸发颜色 Ain't got no other way so we started and finished it 没有其他选择 那就把一切终结 No pain, no gain 没痛苦 就没收获 Never stand down, made our own way 永不松懈 闯出自己的路 Never going slow, we pick up the pace 不会放慢脚步 不断加快速度 This is what we wanted from a young age 这就是我们年轻的向往 No emotion, that's what business is 没有感情 只有冰冷交易 Lord have mercy on the witnesses 上帝会宽恕目击者(我们不会) I torture you 感受我的折磨 Take my hand through the flames 让我手 尝尝灼烧滋味 I torture you 我摧残你 I'm just a sucker for pain 我需要这剧痛的安慰 More pain 更多痛苦 Got me begging, begging, begging, begging, begging 我乞求 乞求 乞求 乞求 乞求 For more pain 要更多折磨 Got me begging, begging, begging, begging, begging 让我渴望 渴望 渴望 渴望 渴望 For more pain 更多痛苦 Got me begging, begging, begging, begging, begging 我乞求 乞求 乞求 乞求 乞求 For more pain 要更多折磨 Got me begging 让我渴望

