[DJ节目]查尔斯陈五的DJ节目 第8期

【氰化秀】Railroad man 铁道侠(一只出格君)

第二季第一集 Sit down missy, I'm gonna sing you a song 坐下 小姐 听我唱首歌 I wanna share a tale with you about the American dream 歌里的故事说的是美国梦 When all the railroads ran on time and our nation ran on steam 那时候火车从不晚点,那时候还是蒸汽时代 Behind the tracks and railroad ties a hero took the command 在那些铁道背后站着一个英雄 Of connecting every town and he was called the railroad man 他的使命是将所有的城镇联通起来,他就是铁道侠 The railroad man 铁道侠 Railroad man, can you take me to San Fran? 铁道侠啊,你能带我去旧金山吗? Can you take me down to Tenessee and across the Rio Grande? 你能带我去田纳西 带我穿过格兰德河吗? Can you take me up Mount Everest and into Disney land? 你能带我去珠穆朗玛 带我去迪士尼吗? Can you get me there on time? Oh can you do it railroad man? 你能准点到吗?可以吗,铁道侠? Railroad man, railroad man 铁道侠,铁道侠 Now you're probably wondering why they called him the railroad man 你们可能疑惑为什么他叫铁道侠 Well I'm gonna tell ya why! 那我就告诉你们吧! They called him that because he built the railroads and was male 别人这么叫他是因为他铺设了铁道,并且他是男的 And they called 'em railroads 'cause they were like roads except with rails 至于铁道呢,是因为它们就像是小道一样,不过是铁的 His eyes they say were made of coal, his toes were railroad spikes 据说他的眼睛是煤,他的脚趾头是铁路道钉 His trains got seven stars on yelp and a billion facebook likes 他的火车有七星好评,十亿个赞 He laid all of the track you see, hooked up the USA 他铺设了所有的铁道,把整个美国都联通了起来 And he could've kept on going if not for that fateful day 要不是那一天,他会一直走下去的 These two weird fellas came to town and invented human flight 镇上来了两个怪人,他们发明了飞行器 They called their ship an aeroplane and themselves the brothers Wright 他们把那个怪东西叫飞机,他们就是莱特兄弟 The brothers Wright 莱特兄弟 They said "our planes can transfer man without the need for rail 他们说:“我们的飞机可以坐人,并且不用铁道 Your industry is dying and your dream's going to fail 你的产业如今日薄西山 你的梦想如今破烂不堪 So pull up your slacks and pack your tracks and get on out of town 你快别做了 带着你的铁道滚出城 We don't need steam or steel beams to get ourselves around." 我们不需要蒸汽也不需要钢筋” The railroad man was none too pleased about that. He said: 铁道侠可不高兴了,他说 "Two Wrights don't make a right and dang if that ain't wrong “谁说莱特兄弟就是对的 我特么才不信 Hey that lyric ain't half bad, I hope it ends up in a song. 歌词可没有骂人 希望能以歌唱收尾 If God intended man to fly, we'd be born in a Flock 如果上帝想造飞人,为什么我们没有羽翼? Those Wright brothers and their flight machine can go and suck a cock 莱特兄弟,还有他们的飞行器,快点滚蛋去吃JJ Those Wright brothers can sniff my biff, they can give my ass a smell 莱特兄弟,应该被我乱打一气,快点滚来闻我PP They can lick my shaft from fore to aft and their plane can burn in hell." 他们只能跪舔我,飞机坠入地狱 'Scuse the language folks, but that's what the railroad man said. 抱歉我说这么多粗话,可这就是铁道侠的原话 His fuckin' words. 他骂人的话 The Wright brothers challenged him, they said "you think you're great? 莱特兄弟要挑战他,他们说:”你以为你很屌? Can your steam trains do a loop-dee-loop without losing the freight? 你的蒸汽火车能载着货像过山车一样转圈圈吗? If you do it we'll leave town and we won't ever come back, 如果可以的话我们马上滚蛋永不回来 But if you fail you can take your rail and shove it up your crack." 如果你失败那你就带着你的铁道滚吧“ "N'aw, the hell with you, the sky's for birds!" ”我去你们的,天空是鸟的地盘“ "And the ground's for turds, and you sir are the latter word." “那大地就是屎的地盘,你就是一坨屎” Railroad man, can you rise to their demand? 铁道侠啊,你能挑战他们吗? Can your trains do a loop-dee-loop, can they do it all on land? 你的火车可以在地上转圈圈吗? Wilbur's talkin' smack about your track, Orville's railin' on your rails 威尔伯在诋毁你的铁道,奥尔威在你的铁轨上尿尿 Can you kick their ass with steam and brass and eight inch steel nails? 靠你的蒸汽 钢铁 和八寸铁钉可能搞定他们? Railroad man 铁道侠 The railroad man, he spent a month looping up his railroad track 铁道侠啊,他花了一个月铺设了转圈铁轨 Then he gathered up the townsfolk and he told them to stand back 他把镇上的父老乡亲都喊来,让他们躲远点儿 The train, it started chugging, and the loop-dee-loop drew near 火车突突响 过山车铁轨近在眼前 The train it was America, it's freight our hopes and fears 这辆火车就是美国 载满了希望与恐惧 Everyone watched in silence you could hear a needle drop 人人屏息凝神,鸦雀无声 The train it went straight up the loop and right on to the top… 火车冲上铁轨到了最顶端… The railroad man was finished, he knew he'd had his run 铁道侠如今完蛋了 他得离开这里 THe airplane beat him fair and square and the railroad days were done. 飞机将他打得心服口服 铁道时代早已结束 But before he died he wrote a note for anyone that flies, 可在他死前 他为飞机上的人留下了一句话 He wrote it all in railroad so we could read it from the skies 那句话是用铁轨铺成的 我们在天上便可以看到 So take a look there down below, written in the land 你们快看下面 就在地上 You'll see the final dying words of the railroad man 你可以看到铁道侠的遗言了吧 Railroad man 铁道侠 The railroad man 铁道侠啊 Railroad man 铁道侠 The railroad man 铁道侠啊

