In My Opinion
从挪威震憾全球的电音新生代天才 自北欧响彻业界的极光级绝美劝世 全辑收录共15曲 俨然是张精选的规格! 全辑共15曲 俨然是张精选的规格! ▓从挪威震憾全球的电音新生代天才 ▓自北欧响彻业界的极光级绝美劝世 ▓全辑共15曲 俨然是张精选的规格! ▓Orjan Nilsen 是位来自于挪威的80后 (1982 年生),资料上看来像天才,儘管没有亮眼的百大排名加持,但这款表现聪明的老闆怎能忽视,不仅将 Trance World 9 交付主理,今年更大力促成首张专辑的推出,全然是以不轻易出手、开鞘就见红的祕宝视之! Orjan Nilsen 是位来自于挪威的80后 (1982 年生),资料上看来像天才:初岁时摸了鼓、7 岁时有了键盘可弹、16 岁时就入手合成器,花了一年的时间把鼓、贝斯等的音效编制学会,就开始学著自己作音乐了。年方 20 出头的 2004、05 年前后因著几个混音版的网络曝光引起了广泛询问,2006 年本尊的 Arctic Globe 与分身 DJ Governor 的 Red Woods 甫推出即大受欢迎,特别是前者还拿下了电音国荷兰的舞曲榜冠军。2008 年他成为 Armada 固定班底,发行遍及 Soundpiercing、Captivating Sounds、Armind 等,期间包括 La Guitarra (还记得那红翻 2008 到 2009 的晶亮絃声吗)、Sanctuary (飘渺美好的空中圣域啊)、Lovers Lane (细流到巨浪的弦乐大翻玩) 等全都是掷地有声的大作,用支支经典来形容毫不过份!儘管没有亮眼的百大排名加持,但这款表现聪明的老闆怎能忽视,不仅将 Trance World 9 交付主理,今年更大力促成首张专辑的推出,全然是以不轻易出手、开鞘就见红的祕宝视之! To infinity and back. The endless options of EDM have ever been the object of Ørjan Nilsen’s affection. Thrilled by diversity, he has spend months of time in the studio, trying to find the perfect blend of house, trance, progressive and everything else that tingles his open mind. The result, an amalgam of years of creativity, is Ørjan’s promising debut album, ‘In My Opinion’. Indulged with music from an early age, he mastered the drums and keyboard at only 9 years old. At the age of 16, as he experienced his first crush on trance music and completely fell in love with rhythmic patterns and melodies, he got his first synthesizer. The Norwegian music lover, reigning from the cold, upper part of the country, soon learned about the magic of working on a pc and started experimenting with that extraordinary grey box. After some unofficial remixes and solo tracks, it was the release of ‘Red Woods’ in 2005 that turned out to be Ørjan’s breakthrough. Ever since, no dancefloor is safe to the sounds of the characteristic Norwegian. Summer-hit ‘La Guitarra’, hammered by the trance elite for months in a row, the rough ‘Moving Mojave’ and sensitive ‘Lovers Lane’, keeping up with the ever-throbbing heart of the club society, contagious ‘So Long Radio’, ‘Mjuzik’ and the strong and outstanding ‘Go Fast!’. All original and different, yet distinctively riding the Nilsen sound. After months of hard work in the studio, Ørjan Nilsen proudly presents ‘In My Opinion’. Days of experimenting, blending and shaping now come together in an album that is, sounds and represents Ørjan. Ørjan:”I can’t describe it other than being me. The sound you’re hearing is me, and how I feel and think. It seems like I have so many things that need to get to the surface, and I’m showing that through my music.” 15 jewels of tracks tell the colorful story of musical talent, touching you on the inside with a palette of melody, beats, synths and a whole lot of feeling to glue it together. Whether you’re in the mood to party or simply feel like absorbing the album with the volume up at home, ‘In My Opinion’ will fit all sceneries. Free of parochialism and one-style-fits-all, but crossing boundaries and hitting the right spot at the right time, is what ‘In My Opinion’ is all about. Ørjan:”I just didn’t follow any kind of recipe. I’ve merged so many styles together, made so many new things and I hope it reflects both the past and future, as well as the present.”