A Town Called Paradise (Deluxe Version)
★蝉联3年全球百大DJ冠军、连续11年登上百大DJ前3名、Mixmag杂志读者票选为「史上最伟大DJ」、滚石杂志册封为「第1名DJ」 ★电音界神级人物第一张主流厂大碟,首发主打"Red Lights"创下生涯最佳成绩:全美热门潜力榜冠军/舞曲榜亚军/电子舞曲榜TOP 5、英国舞曲榜亚军/流行金榜No.6 每一位神级人物背后都有个传奇故事,属于Tiësto的,特别精彩!2002-2004蝉联3年全球百大DJ冠军,2002-2012连续11年登上百大DJ前3名;2004年应邀在雅典奥运开幕式演出,成为史上首位担任奥运开场主秀的DJ;滚石杂志册封为「第1名DJ」、Mixmag杂志读者票选为「史上最伟大DJ」、故乡荷兰的民众票选为「史上最伟大公民」TOP 40;拥有Black Hole Recordings厂牌,在2008-2011年间入围电音年度派对盛事WMC的「全球最佳舞曲品牌」肯定。Tiësto,这位地下电音界的开拓先驱,已经跃升成为挥洒绚烂光束的超级巨星。 本名Tijs Michiel Verwest的Tiësto,步入2000年代开始发光。2001-2009年间陆续发行4张个人大碟,其中卡位格莱美奖「最佳电子/舞曲专辑」入围名单的『Elements Of Life』、以及『Kaleidoscope』两张作品,皆入列英美流行百大专辑榜,获得多国金唱片销售认证。2011年Tiësto企划分身、化名为Allure,出版劝世回归之作『Kiss From The Past』,尽现大师级的混音、编曲神技。除了他的音乐作品是堪称经典的电音圣经,Tiësto更领衔全球派对指标之Ultra Music Festival、Electric Daisy Carnival主秀,吸引来自世界各地的铁粉前往朝圣。从Kanye West、Coldplay、Katy Perry到Gotye,来自跨界的单曲混音邀约不曾间断,屡次高挂各国舞曲排行榜榜首! 第五张录音室大碟【A Town Called Paradise】是他的首张主流厂发行,这张作品划分为两大方向:一为Tiësto向来热衷的创新与改革,提供前所未有的新潮舞感;另一则是体现他20多年来的临场经验,全然满足群众享受音乐的纯粹喜悦。首支主打“Red Lights”由曾谱写瑞典超级电音组合Swedish House Mafia入围格莱美奖红歌"Don't You Worry Child"的Michel Zitron发声,精彩碰撞House、Electro和Pop的火花,强势攻入EDM市场,衝上英国金榜No.6+舞曲榜亚军,更帮助Tiësto首度攻佔美国公告牌百大流行单曲榜,写下生涯最佳排行成绩,已拿下热门潜力榜冠军+舞曲榜亚军+电子舞曲榜TOP 5;纽约新生代电音才子Matthew Koma帮腔“Wasted”,向Indie Dance区块探索,前进美国舞曲榜TOP 10;重振Girl Power势力的瑞典双姝Icona Pop高歌“Let’s Go”,满载无限能量畅快到底;还有2013年初次登上百大DJ之冠的Hardwell、美国新锐摇滚乐团American Authors主唱Zac Barnett、荣获全英音乐奖「最佳国际女歌手」Ladyhawke、前男孩团BBMak的Christian Burns…等也参与献艺,一起投入Tiësto倾力打造的不灭电音神话。 Since the early 2000s or so, dropping the name Tiesto was a superstar representation of an artist at the heart of mainstream dance music, even if his album releases intriguingly bent the rules. He went electro and indie on his 2009 release Kaleidoscope and just chucked the Tiesto name entirely and went as Allure for the lush, 2011 effort Kiss from the Past, so don't be surprised that A Town Called Paradise is a return to the center of EDM. The big opener and single "Red Lights," with Michel Zitron, sounds like an Avicii-esque reimagining of the Wallflowers' "One Headlight" with little that's identifiably Tiesto, and these plays for radio don't stop until "Wasted" lands at track eight with a building, stomping beat that's pleasingly different. "Light Years Away," with DBX, is a grand explosion of life-affirming fireworks and standard-issue EDM lyrics ("Satellites, are crashing down/I watch you disappear at the speed of sound"), while the title track is necessary for rolling into Vegas with "Let's wash away the night into a neon scene of light/Away we'll drive into a town called Paradise." Cute how Icona Pop adopt a Latin-like flow on the carnivalesque "Lets' Go," while the cathartic closer, "Set Yourself Free" with Krewella, seems to shoot beach balls, water skis, and vacation plans out of the speakers.