Beau Soir
荷兰小提琴家吉妮.杨森在这份法国小提琴作品的录音中,企图以绝对迷人的琴音让人坠入甜美梦境之中。杨森的音色柔美细腻得几乎听不出她的重量级师承,受教于两位俄国小提琴大师:来自拉脱维亚的小提琴家菲利普赫许宏(伊丽莎白大赛首奖),以及俄罗斯小提琴家贝尔肯。她幸运跳脱两位恩师的影响,未经任何国际大赛的洗礼,即获得唱片公司的重视与乐坛的一致推崇,更曾是iTunes古典音乐类的下载女王,可见其受欢迎的程度。 手持1727年的史特拉底瓦里名琴Barrere,杨森对曲目有独到见解,不以挑战大曲目证明自己,反而偏爱室内乐的合作型式,也从不排斥以古典眼光看现代乐曲、用现代眼光看古典乐曲,因此她的专辑总是在曲目与诠释上让人耳目一新。 这张专辑的曲目选择再度让人惊豔:把德彪西、拉威尔这样传统、温和的印象派奏鸣曲和梅湘、杜布农前卫的乐曲并陈,著实打破前人的禁忌。她更请到瑞士作曲家杜布农与之对谈,探讨法国音乐的精神与趣味所在,这段深入的谈话内容,也记录在专辑的内页当中。 For her first recital recording, Decca violinist Janine Jansen has chosen French music. Running through the album, entitled Beau Soir – after Debussy’s lovely early song, which she plays in a transcription for violin and piano – is the theme of night. Noted chamber-music specialist Itamar Golan partners the celebrated young Dutch virtuoso. With such familiar classics as Fauré’s Après un rêve; Clair de lune, another exquisite song by Debussy; Lili Boulanger’s Nocturne; and three new works by the widely admired contemporary Swiss composer Richard Dubugnon whose Violin Concerto Janine Jansen premiered in Paris in 2008, the programme moves from evening to moonlight, from lullabies into sleep, from dreams to awakening and recollection. Also integrated into Beau Soir is music by Messiaen (his Theme and Variations for violin and piano) as well as violin sonatas by Debussy and Ravel.